Lake Toba and Samosir Island

Lake Toba has a length of 100 cm and a width of 30 km. With a depth of about 450 m. The extent of 1,145 square kilometers. This lake is one of the flagship attraction on the island of Sumatra. Because charm is very impressive, to be able to captivate the domestic and foreign tourists.
Lake Toba merupkan stunning natural attractions. Cool air, coupled with the blue waters of the lake became a place of swimming fish - Batak. Surrounded by green pine trees that add to the tranquility of this place. In the middle stretch of the extent of Lake Toba, there is an island called Samosir Island. This is the island that also adds to the wonderful atmosphere at the Lake Toba. The island of Samosir almost equal to the area of Singapore. Samosir Island also has two beautiful lakes, commonly known as Lake and Lake Aek Natonang Sidihoni. Samosir Island Samosir Batak inhabited by tribes. Now listed on Samosir Island population reached 580 428 inhabitants
Ruter Road to Lake Toba
A long journey if you want to enjoy the natural beauty that can be outside in the northern part of Sumatra island this. You must have to prepare the material and physical to wade through this journey. Transit lanes nearest to visit Lake Toba is Medan.
So for those of you who come from out of town you can take a trip with Transit in Medan either in Kualanamu which is an international airport in Medan, or it could be a transit terminal for Sandpaper you use a landline.
From Medan can continue your journey to Lake Toba using Bus Damri to Simpang Kayu Besar, the facilities of the Bus is quite nice, equipped with the Ac and toilets in it, so do not fall asleep yaaaaa, hehehehehe. Arriving at Simpang Kayu Besar you must change the vehicle with another kendaraa the direction seals. Actually, there is also a provider of transportation services that you can rent by the route Medan - seals, but the price is rather quite expensive, yes comparable to the one with the services provided.
After reaching the seals, you can enjoy the view of Lake Toba atmosphere, but if you wish to go to the island of Samosir, you must cross using the ferry boat transportation purposes Siodang Tuktuk on the island of Samosir. This place is a strategic place to enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba completely.
Activity Can Do in Lake Toba and Samosir Island

The scenery around Lake Toba is very beautiful. Surrounded by pine forests and waterfalls lined charming and warm water baths that will refresh you. In the waters of Lake Toba, inhabited by unique species of fish. Local people used to call the Fish Batak or scientific name Remis Toba (Corbicula tobae), which includes the type Lissochilus sumatranus and Labeobarbus soro. A wide variety of fauna also inhabit the area around Lake Toba. In addition, the land around Lake Toba relatively fertile. There grows a wide variety of plants, ranging from pine trees to a wide variety of fruit trees. In addition, too many medicinal plants that thrive there, not infrequently you will find several types of flowers are gorgeous and beautiful.
Here you can perform activities - activities such as playing Jetsky, around the lake by boat, enjoy the challenge of climbing banana boot, watching the various dances local custom, watched the race boat, trying to challenge existing vehicle in Dana Toba, see the natural phenomenon of stone hanging and still many more that others, you can also walk - stroll around the villages in the island.
Two villages Samosir Island frequented by tourists is the village of Tomok and Tuktuk. Tomok is a village that has plenty of accommodation for tourists. While Tumuk is a village which has some important tourist to visit. Such as the Museum Batak, dance performances doll Sigale - gale which is a typical dance from the island of Samosir, as well as the final resting place of King Sidabutar. In addition, on Samosir Island you will find misty mountains and waterfalls. You will be welcomed by the hospitality masyaraakat Batak that make you feel at home - a long time in this place.
Residents around Lake Toba livelihood as farmers and fishermen. They rely on natural resources around settlements in the Lake Toba. They also always uphold the culture and traditions as well as local knowledge of Lake Toba. Their culture is strong and nuanced Batak. Around Lake Toba there are also several places visited by tourists pera. Balige, is one of the districts that is always crowded. Balige is Samosir district capital. From Balige, you can see the panorama of Lake Toba charming.

This area is quite strategic to get the best atmosphere of the natural scenery of Lake Toba. In addition, Balige also famous for its markets that sell a variety of unique souvenirs. In Balige, you also can find a row of typical culinary seller Batak society. Balige also save nuanced historical museum Batak, while containing relics Batak tribe. The museum is known as the T. B. Silalahi. The name was taken from the founders of this mueum named TB Silalahi. Moreover, here too there is the tomb SISINGAMANGARAJA XII, a famous hero in Indonesia. Another place that is usually crowded, beach Lumban Silintong. There you can watch the beautiful scenery and charming located on the shores of Lake Toba.
In addition there is also Brastagih Balige, which is one of the flagship destinations in Lake Toba. Brastagih is peak tourist attractive natural beauty store. There, you can enjoy the cool air and pemandaangan Mount Sinabung and Mount Sibayak. Green trees, too coloring beauty in Brastagih. Not only is it Sipiso Piso very beautiful and refreshing as well there. From the top Brastagih, you could see vast stretches of Lake Toba.
Tips And Culinary Lake Toba
In the area around Lake Toba Batak tribe was inhabited by a variety of cultural uniqueness. For typical cendramata the hobo community was also diverse, ranging from unique guitars are made of wood typical hobo, up to ancient calendar written by hand, of course, also native of Batak, and many other unique souvenirs. The paradise of shopping goods - antiques and unique Batak exist on the island. There is a variety of interesting souvenirs. One of them, namely, cloth Ulos. Ulos fabric is a woven fabric which is usually colored red, white and black, and decorated bengan gold colored thread.
For culinary, many unique culinary of this place, some restaurants are also here including Elios Restaurant, Rumba Pizza, Romlan Guest House, Tabo Restaurant and Buddhist Resto serves all tempting you.
Tips Visiting Lake Toba and Samosir Island
1. Choose the Right Time
Pay a visit in April to August. Because in the month - this month, the weather is sunny there, so you can enjoy a tour of Lake Toba comfortably.
2. Visiting On Existence Time Ceremony
The advantage for you if menunjungi Lake Toba, when local communities are doing a ritual or a party of
the people of Lake Toba is you can witness the excitement of the event. other than that there is a very
crowded event here is Lake Toba Festival
3. Choose the Moment Documentation
If you want to get the nice photos of Lake Toba, time is quite limited, only about 1 hour. Morning at 05:30
until 06:30, while in the afternoon at 16.00 to 17.00. time - time is often referred to as the Golden hours.
Because at this moment, the best light yaang presented at Lake Toba.
4. Take Heart When bekunjung To Sipiso Piso
To visit Sipiso Piso, be careful - careful, because some of the roads that you would have traversed slippery and steep terrain.
5. Use Shoes
For your convenience in traveling to Lake Toba, can use the shoe for touring around Lake Toba.
That review regarding destination attraction beauty of Lake Toba and Samosir Island, may review the above can be useful for you as well..
Lake Toba and Samosir Island - North Sumatra